Description: MP3 Design from scratch using LPC1768 micro-controller. Used protocal: SPI and UART.


Hardware Description:

Hardware Description

MP3 Decoder Pin Description:

MP3 Decoder
MP3 Decoder Layout

  • SPI Protocol (MISO, MOSI, CS, SCLK)
  • Dreq
  • XDCS
  • Pins for speaker
    • LOUT
    • AGND
    • ROUT

Display Hardware Description:


  • 16x2 display
  • UART Protocol
  • 3 Pins needed: VDD, GND, RX
  • Software functionalities: Displays song name and info

MP3 Transfer Algorithm


  • Scan and store all the mp3 file paths
  • Software reset for the decoder
  • Configure SCI Mode register to set SPI mode
  • Configure SCI Audata register to set audio samplerate
  • Configure SCI Clock register to set clock frequency

    Transfer Data:

  • Open a file using fopen(path[songIndex], “r”)
  • Read the file from SD card and send data to the decoder’s SDI register
  • Keep sending data to play the song
  • Meanwhile, receive control signal

LCD Display Info:

LCD cursor
LCD command table

Display Algorithm:

  • Display Buffer:
    • 2 char array that each contains 16 characters, corresponding to each display grid on the screen.s
  • Update()
    • Updating the display’s
  • VolumeChange()
    • Update the display buffer to display volume and the current state of volume
  • ScrollView()
    • If the song name is too long, the ScrollView will display the song name by shifting left.

Instructions on Using the Mp3 Player:

Instruc table
Remote photo

Select/Menu Mode:

  • Preview other songs
  • Press OK to play the song that you are previewing

Main Tasks:

Main Tasks
